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The Inner Circle

The Inner Circle is made up of individuals who value and embrace collective leadership, self-organization, and mutual responsibility in their commitment to serve the vision of For Peace – namely the conscious co-creation of a vibrant and resilient Culture of Peace. We understand peace not merely as the absence of violent conflict, but as a foundational practice to heal and restore the relationship with ourselves, each other, and the Earth, and to co-create an environment for all life to thrive. Peace is understood as both a process and an outcome of the freedom and possibility for life to unfold and express its authentic and divine nature. This requires that all life be held as sacred.

Further, peace is not understood as something that is free of conflict, tension or fragmentation, but as a space in which we are equipped with the (subtle) competencies and capacities to effectively navigate through our personal, societal, and cultural difficulties and differences, as well as to be and work with conflicts in non-violent and creative ways – moving from destructive to generative conflicts. It is a space in which conflict is embraced as an evolutionary invitation to go deeper and further to meet life in its raw, emergent, and infinite potential.

The Inner Circle is a co-creative space guided and co-lead by the members themselves. Its work is emergent and exploratory in nature to allow for what arises to be presenced, processed, and integrated by the group.

If the mission of the Inner Circle resonates with you on a personal level, we invite you to apply to join the Inner Circle by carefully filling out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.


“Uniting people in a common vision requires emerging leaders to understand how unity and diversity are part of living-systems design.”

— James O’Dea / Cultivating Peace