For Peace Summit

The vision of the For Peace Summit is to bring together diverse stakeholder groups relevant to peacebuilding reaching from high-level politicians to grassroots peace activists, from military personnel to modern mystics, from trauma and social healing experts to mediators and diplomats, from professional peacemakers and indigenous wisdom keepers to artists and youth leaders.

The intention behind the For Peace Summit is to create a space to explore building and sustaining peace on an individual, collective, and institutional level. The summit will further advance and amplify our collaborative initiative for the UN Resolution calling for the creation of Departments and Ministries of Peace in every country in the world to build a global architecture for peace.

The summit will shine a light on the complexity, beauty, and emergent nature of cultivating inner and outer peace and harness the collective creativity and wisdom to co-create a vibrant and resilient culture of peace.

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“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.”

— R. Buckminster Fuller