“If there was peace in Afghanistan, we wouldn’t have had to leave our country. Then we would not have to be in Moria now.”
Girl from Afghanistan in Camp Moria, August 2020
Voices For Peace is a project to listen to and amplify unheard voices for peace from around the world. People from diverse social, political, religious, ethnic and national backgrounds share their experiences of conflict and their message for peace. Each voice adds a piece to a colorful mosaic of voices and strengthens the collective call for peace, turning it into a powerful political message that can no longer be overheard. Join by becoming a Voice For Peace yourself!
War, violent conflicts and human rights violations continue to force people to flee their homes and seek safety in Europe.
The largest European Refugee Camp Moria on the Greek island of Lesvos was shelter to more than 12.500 refugees over years, despite an official capacity to temporarily host 3.000 people.
During the night of the 8th of September 2020 most of the camp burned to the ground and a situation that was already inhumane became even worse. The interviews were taken end of August 2020, two weeks before the fire broke out.
How to support & become a Voice For Peace?
01. Amplify
1. Download and print the #ForPeace board.
2. Take a picture with you holding the #ForPeace board.
3. Upload your picture on your favorite social media platform, share what peace means to you using #ForPeace, #VoicesForPeace and tag:
- @RiseForPeace on Instagram & Facebook
- @WeRiseForPeace on Twitter
02. Donate
Your gift helps to raise voices for peace from around the world.
“Peace is the only way to end wars and conflicts. We came to Europe to experience peace and tranquility in our lives.”
Man from Syria in Camp Moria, August 2020
“Peace means that we can live peacefully together and that we can go to school and study. We came to Europe for peace.”
Afghan women in Camp Moria, August 2020